Fiverr Promoted Gigs
Fiverr Promoted Gigs Pros & Cons Pros It can push your Gig to prime locations in category pages and search results. (which otherwise might not have been noticed by your potential buyers). Help your gigs gain more visibility, and get more orders. (When your gig is visible your chances to get more orders also increases). You get to showcase your talent to your targeted buyers. You only pay once a buyer click. (No click no pay). If you are hardworking and have the right skills, this feature will give a boost to your business. Cons Your will lose money even when your competitors just click on your gigs for fun. Just because your gig ads are visible doesn’t guarantee you will get sales too. Competition will become even more aggressive, sellers with more money will win the race. Seller will either increase the prices of their gig or will make even lesser money. Buyers finding gigs expensive will start looking for other alternative. The competition will mainly held betwe...