
Showing posts with the label #send

Write a program to calculate the total expenses. Quantity and price per item are input by the user and discount of 10% is offered if the expense is more than 5000.

  Write A Program To Calculate The Total Expenses. Quantity And Price Per Item Are Input By The User And Discount Of 10% Is Offered If The Expense Is More Than 5000. #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main () { int a,b,t,td,tp; float d; d=0.10; cout<<"\t \t * Welcome To Our Book Store * "<<endl; cout<<"\n"; cout<<"Enter the Quantity of books you want to Purchase"<<endl; cin>>a; cout<<"Enter the Price of the Books"<<endl; cin>>b; t=a*b; td= t*d; tp= t-td; if (t>5000) { cout<<"\n"; cout<<"Total Expense = "<<t<<endl; cout<<"Total Expense after 10% discount is = "<<tp<<endl; } else { cout<<"Your Total Expense is "<<t<<endl; } cout<<"\n"; cout<<"\t Thank You For Your Purchase "<<endl; cout<<"\t  Hope You wil...

How To Install Backtrack & Hack WiFi On Android

🎩 How To Install Backtrack & Hack Wifi On Android 🎩 Free tutorial by #HS_Creations 🔴Requirements 1. Rooted Android Device [ Root your Android ] 2. Download Backtrack ARM 3. Download BusyBox 4. Download Android VNC 5. Download Android Terminal 6. If you are using PC then you need 7zip for extraction otherwise you can use Download Zarachiever on your android phone. Steps To Install Backtrack & Hack Wifi On Android 🌑First, extract the BT5-GNOME-ARM.7z. and copy BT5 folder and then put in your android root directory. For example- My Phones Root Directory is /sd card. (As different androids will have different root directories). ✍️Install all apps that given in requirements. ✍️After installing BusyBox application open it and wait until it finishes loading and then click on Smart install button of the application. ✍️In your, Android open the terminal app and then execute the given commands. su cd /sdcard/BT5 sh bootbt ✍️When su commands executed it will ask...