
Showing posts with the label beginners

Library management system project c++ source code for beginners

INTRODUCTION: This program is coded in c++  programming language. program has used the concepts of mainly structures, loops, functions and more. It is coded in a way to manage library system where data of books and user are store and manage without file handling. source code:  #include<iostream> using namespace std; struct bookslibrary {     string bookname;     string authorname;     int id;     string flag;     int price; }; struct userlibrary {     string username;     int id;     int phonenumber;     string fine;     string issueS; }; struct borrowlibrary {  string username;  int idb;  string issue;  string due;   string fine;   string bookname;   int idu;   }; bookslibrary b[100]; int cont =0; userlibrary u[100]; int info =0; borrowlibrary l[100]; int data=0; // adding book information void addbookinfo() {     cout << "enter book name" << endl;     cin >> b[cont].bookname;     cout << "enter author name" << endl;     cin >

C++ Project for beginners | Green house management system source code

 Introduction: This program is written in C++ that allows to manage a greenhouse according to authorities given to a particular person. Each function in this program has a specific function.  In this program concept of arrays,functions and other basic concepts have been used. #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; const int maxplants = 20; //list of plants void list(string plants[],int & nplants) {              for (int i = 0; i < nplants; i++) {             cout << "Plant " << i + 1 << ": " << plants[i] << endl;         }     } // Adding plants void addplants(string plants[], int& nplants) {     string choice;     do {         if (nplants >= maxplants) {             cout << "You can't add more plants." << endl;             break;         }         string plant;         cout << "Enter the name of a new plant: ";         cin >> plant;         pl

C++ project connect 4 game || source code

Play the classic Connect 4 game in C++. It's a two-player game of strategy where you try to connect four pieces in a row. The game features a graphical console interface. You can win by connecting four pieces horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. The game also checks for ties. You'll use arrays, loops, and player interaction to build the game  Introduction: This C++ code creates a virtual representation of the Connect 4 game. It simulates a grid where two players drop colored disks. The goal is to connect four disks of the same color in a row, column, or diagonal before the other player does. #include<iostream> #include<windows.h> using namespace std; char conn_4[7][6]; int counter[7] = { 0 }; void print() {  system("color 06");  cout << "\t\t\t************************* CONNECT 4 GAME **************************\n\n\n";  for (int i = 5; i >= 0; i--) {   cout << endl << "\t\t\t\t\t |___|___|___|___|___|___|___|\n"