
Showing posts with the label bombing

Write a program to calculate the total expenses. Quantity and price per item are input by the user and discount of 10% is offered if the expense is more than 5000.

  Write A Program To Calculate The Total Expenses. Quantity And Price Per Item Are Input By The User And Discount Of 10% Is Offered If The Expense Is More Than 5000. #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main () { int a,b,t,td,tp; float d; d=0.10; cout<<"\t \t * Welcome To Our Book Store * "<<endl; cout<<"\n"; cout<<"Enter the Quantity of books you want to Purchase"<<endl; cin>>a; cout<<"Enter the Price of the Books"<<endl; cin>>b; t=a*b; td= t*d; tp= t-td; if (t>5000) { cout<<"\n"; cout<<"Total Expense = "<<t<<endl; cout<<"Total Expense after 10% discount is = "<<tp<<endl; } else { cout<<"Your Total Expense is "<<t<<endl; } cout<<"\n"; cout<<"\t Thank You For Your Purchase "<<endl; cout<<"\t  Hope You wil...

Whatsapp message bombing app

Today we will learn how can perform message bombing in android without turmax and other terminal services. In message bombing we send bulk messages to whatsapp chat and if the victim's smartphone have low ram and cpu the it will crash victim's whatsapp and slow down the smartphone speed. Using this trick you can irritate the whatsapp user and able to crash his whatsapp app. How to perform message bombing Follow the steps 1 - Download the whatsapp looper app 2 - Install and open the app 3 - Give the accessibility permission 4 -  Now open app and write message and send to a whatsapp contact. Download -  ---+++Download App+++----