Library management system project c++ source code for beginners
INTRODUCTION: This program is coded in c++ programming language. program has used the concepts of mainly structures, loops, functions and more. It is coded in a way to manage library system where data of books and user are store and manage without file handling. source code: #include<iostream> using namespace std; struct bookslibrary { string bookname; string authorname; int id; string flag; int price; }; struct userlibrary { string username; int id; int phonenumber; string fine; string issueS; }; struct borrowlibrary { string username; int idb; string issue; string due; string fine; string bookname; int idu; }; bookslibrary b[100]; int cont =0; userlibrary u[100]; int info =0; borrowlibrary l[100]; int data=0; // adding book information void addbookinfo() { cout ...