
How to join PM’s ‘Corona Relief Tigers Force’?

Prime Minister Imran Khan has launched ‘Corona Relief Tiger Force’ that will work in collaboration with civil administration and army to contain the spread of corona virus. Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Youth Affairs Usman Dar has started work on PM’s directives regarding the Corona Relief Tiger Force. Registration for the force will be started from 31st March and will continue till 10th of April. The force will register youths who’s age will be above 18 years. The force will not only supply rations in emergency situation but will also identify the hoarders. The volunteers of Tiger Force will help deliver food to areas under lock down, besides disseminating awareness to the public and to guard people in quarantine. Digital registration form has been made for the registration and youths from all political parties can join the force. Corona Relief Tiger Force will be established in every union council. Registration for 'Corona Relief Tiger ...

How To Install Backtrack & Hack WiFi On Android

🎩 How To Install Backtrack & Hack Wifi On Android 🎩 Free tutorial by #HS_Creations 🔴Requirements 1. Rooted Android Device [ Root your Android ] 2. Download Backtrack ARM 3. Download BusyBox 4. Download Android VNC 5. Download Android Terminal 6. If you are using PC then you need 7zip for extraction otherwise you can use Download Zarachiever on your android phone. Steps To Install Backtrack & Hack Wifi On Android 🌑First, extract the BT5-GNOME-ARM.7z. and copy BT5 folder and then put in your android root directory. For example- My Phones Root Directory is /sd card. (As different androids will have different root directories). ✍️Install all apps that given in requirements. ✍️After installing BusyBox application open it and wait until it finishes loading and then click on Smart install button of the application. ✍️In your, Android open the terminal app and then execute the given commands. su cd /sdcard/BT5 sh bootbt ✍️When su commands executed it will ask...

How to Find Your Windows 10 Product Key Using the Commands Prompt

 @hannansiddique_ March 11, 2020, 9:00am EDT If you’re looking for your Windows 10 product key, you can find it by entering a quick command in the Command Prompt. Here’s how—plus a neat little trick for finding the product key using a Windows Registry method. Ad Find Your Windows 10 Product Key Using the Command Prompt To find your Windows 10 product key using the Command Prompt, you’ll need to  open the command line application with administrative privileges . To do this, type “cmd” in the Windows search bar. Command Prompt will appear in the search results. Right-click it and select “Run As Administrator” from the window that appears. If prompted, enter your Windows account password. Once open, copy and paste the following command and then hit the Enter key: wmic path softwarelicensingservice get OA3xOriginalProductKey The 25-digit product key will then appear. That’s all there is to it. This way is quick, but this isn’t likely a...

How To Send Fake Messages To Anyone

Today we will learn how to send fake messages to anyone else. Requirements:- backtrack 5 ==>> you will also use kali Linux and any hacking operating system. Internet your brain to learn (most important) Step 1 Step-1 > Fire Up BackTrack & Start Social Engineering Toolkit (SET) Let’s begin by firing up Backtrack 5 and then navigating to Applications -> Exploitation Tools -> Social Engineering Tools -> Social Engineering Toolkit (SET), then select “set” as I have done in the screenshot below. This will start the SET opening screen as seen below. SET is capable of numerous social engineering attacks. previously used SET to spear phish in BackTrack, but the one we want this time is “SMS Spoofing Attack Vector.” To begin this attack, Select  #7 . In the following screen, we are asked whether we want “Perform an SMS Spoofing Attack” or “Create a Social Engineering Template.” Select  #1 . Once you have made that selection, you will be quer...

How to Make Calculator In C Language

How to make calculatoR in C Lanuguage #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> main() { float num1; float num2; char opt; float result;  clrscr(); printf("enter the first number:"); scanf("%f",&num1); printf("enter the operation:"); scanf(" %c",&opt); printf("enter the second number:"); scanf("%f",&num2); switch(opt) { case'-': result =num1-num2; printf("%f",result); break;  case'+': result =num1+num2; printf("%f",result); break;  case'*': result =num1*num2; printf("%f",result); break;  case'/': result =num1/num2; printf("%f",result); break; default : printf("the operator is not valid");  } getch(); } #HS_Creations #Kepp_Visiting